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Fit for Human Habitation Tenants

Hi tenants, it's Sam again and welcome to the third installment of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 series that will be covering all of the upcoming changes.

Fit for human habitation (Section 91) means that landlords are obligated to keep your house fit for human habitation. 

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✍ What is my landlord required to do?

Your landlord must keep your property in repair. This means they will keep the structure and service installations for the property in repair and will carry out the necessary actions if something is not up to standard. However, your landlord should only issue you a contract if the property meets the Fit for Human Habitation guidelines.

Your landlord must keep your property in repair. This means they will keep the structure and service installations for the property in repair and will carry out the necessary actions if something is not up to standard. When a landlord is made aware of a repair that is needed they must carry out the repair in a reasonable time. However, your landlord should only issue you a contract if the property meets the Fit for Human Habitation guidelines.


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