Student Property Viewing Information
Dear tenants
I hope you and your housemates are keeping well.
Please remember to advise us should you contract symptoms or are isolating.
Please also remember that we can provide services for you such as collecting things to assist your studies or groceries.
You may be aware that we have now released our student house list for next year.
Whilst Wales remains in lock down this week, of course there will be no viewings. We have already let a number of properties from just the photos, floor plans and video walkthroughs that we have of our houses however we anticipate that applicants will wish to commence viewings from next week when the rules allow us to do this.
I just wanted to reassure you, that whilst the regulations allow us to carry out viewings, should you rather us not visit your student house at certain times for example, when you have lectures or when everyone is at home, we will absolutely respect your wishes to not enter your home.
We will always email you at least 24 hours in advance to let you know what time we hope to conduct a viewing, but if you would rather us not attend, please just let us know.
If we have not already done so, it is likely that we will ask your permission to pop around to carry out a video tour. If its possible to make the house as tidy as possible for us for this visit that will improve the quality of the video and may mean that we do not have to conduct as many viewings and cause you interruptions.
Should we carry out a viewing please note that the following measures will be implemented:
- You will always receive 24 hours or more emailed notice - this gives you time to vacate the property for a short walk if you wish.
- Agents will wear masks and gloves
- All viewers will be asked in advance if they have had symptoms of Covid 19 - no one with symptoms will be allowed to attend a house viewing
- All applicants will be asked to scan Sales And Lettings Angels NHS Track and Trace QR Code
- For all houses with 5 or bedrooms - we will only allow 50% of the group to view at any one time. EG 6 bedroom house - we will only allow 3 viewers plus the agent to access your property at home one time. We hope this will assist us maintain social distancing measures at all times.
- All viewers will wear masks
- Agents will wipe over door handles and other areas likely to have been touched during house visits. Applicants will be asked to avoid making unnecessary contact in your home.
- We are only allowing applicants to view 2 properties per appointment with us, so if we book a house viewing, the chances are that the applicants are really interested in a viewing.
- We are not transporting applicants in our minibuses in order to maintain social distancing between agents and viewers.
We hope that going over and above any guidelines that are available to agencies, we can keep you and your housemates safe whilst continuing our work to secure housing for the thousands of students requiring accommodation for the next academic year.
Please note that if you have not done so already but wish to renew your tenancy you can still arrange this by calling the office or emailing 'renewals@lettingsangels.co.uk'
If you are looking for a new home for next year please call 02922331425 and let one of the Angels short list exactly what you are looking for, rather than scrolling through hundreds of similar looking adverts!
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes
The Angels