Parking Permits Explained
As more and more tenants have cars, we get a lot of questions regarding parking permits. If you'd like a parking permit, you will need to contact Cardiff Council.
There is a limit of 2 resident permits and 1 visitor permit per property. Please note some properties may not be entitled to a parking permit or a visitor permit as some restrictions do apply.
To apply for a parking permit online, you will need your Council Tax number. As your letting agent, we don’t have this number. If you are wanting to get a parking permit before receiving your council tax number, then you should apply by post. Please note, you must be in residence before applying for a parking permit – advance applications are not accepted.
To apply for a permit by post, applications should be sent to:
Cardiff Council Parking Services,
P.O. Box 47
CF11 1QB
You will need to provide:
- Cover Letter – Please make sure you outline: the name of the person the permit is to be registered in, and the type of permit that is required
- Proof of Address – This could be: Official Rent Book/Tenancy Agreement (this must be signed and dated by the landlord or agency and tenants, and must also include the name of the applicant and cover the period for which the permit is required), Bank or Building Society statement (dated within 3 months of application), Current Council Tax or Utility Bill which covers the 3 month period prior to application – Gas, Electric, Water or Land-Line Telephone. Please note Deposit Protection Scheme Deposit Agreements, Mobile phone bills, driving licenses or vehicle documents are not accepted as proof of address.
- Clear notification of your vehicle registration – You must ensure that you write the vehicle registration numbers clearly on any correspondence sent by post
- Payment – For postal application, payment can be made using a cheque or postal order made payable to ‘Cardiff County Council’
If you are unsure whether you are able to obtain a parking permit, please contact Cardiff Council – their information page on parking permits can be found here: https://www.cardiff.gov.uk/ENG/resident/Parking-roads-and-travel/Parking-permits/Pages/Parking%20permits.aspx
If you have any questions regarding parking permits, then please contact Cardiff Council.