Moving out of one of our managed properties?
Is your tenancy coming to an end on the 30th June 2018? If so, please read our check out instructions below to ensure your move out is as smooth running as possible!
Moving Out Instructions
You are due to move out of your house soon. Please read the following carefully so you know what you have to do before you move out.
Rent & Deposit
- You need to have paid all of your rent and any outstanding late rent charges. YOU CANNOT USE YOUR DEPOSIT AS YOUR LAST MONTH'S RENT.
- You need to cancel your standing order so rent is not taken once your tenancy has ended. If it is not cancelled and we receive rent after your tenancy end date, a fee of £25.00 will be incurred to transfer the rent back to your chosen account.
- Your deposit will be returned within 14 working days of the check out inspection taking place subject to no deductions being made (please see guide below for how to leave the property). The lead tenant will receive an email from the Deposit Protection Service with a repayment ID, instructions of what to do next and how to distribute the deposit to the other tenants. This is where you provide yours and the other tenant's bank details and the deposit will be transferred. It is not down to us which account the deposit is returned to and we CANNOT change who the lead tenant is.
- If there are deductions to be made then we have to wait for a contractor to carry out the works and invoice us and this process can take several months.
Cleaning & Repairing
- A check inspection will take place once everyone has moved out. This involves a check of the whole property for cleanliness and overall condition. Apart from fair wear and tear, if the property is dirty and in disrepair compared to the opening inventory then deductions will be claimed against your deposit.
- You should make sure the whole property is clean (don't leave it all to the last tenant to leave!) and any damage is rectified. Please contact us if you would like the number of a cleaner or handyman to instruct yourself at your own cost. If you wish to arrange anything, we recommend this is done sooner rather than later to avoid any delays. As it is a busy time, there is no guarantee that the contractors will be able to visit the property at your favoured time.
- Please see attached checklist of areas to ensure no areas are missed.
- Please let us know now about any maintenance issues so we can rectify them. If they are not reported to us in writing, it may be rectified and the charge deducted from your deposit.
Check out
- Please email management@lettingsangels.co.uk with when you are moving out. If everyone moves out before the end of the tenancy, we can bring the inspection forward and return your deposit sooner
- Please note, the 30th June is a very busy day and the check out time given is just a guide
- You do not have to be present during your check out inspection but you can if you want to be
- Please leave both your front door key and bedroom key in your bedroom door.
- There will be a minimum £25 charge for keys not returned in this way, plus you may be liable for a locksmith bill to change locks and provide replacement keys.
- Ensure all windows and doors are closed before leaving
- Take meter readings the day the last tenant leaves and tell your utility companies
- Inform water, electric, gas, TV license, internet and council tax that you have moved out
- Cancel any standing orders with utility companies
- Provide a forwarding address for any utility bills still to be settled and other correspondence Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us Sales and Lettings Angels 02922331425 management@lettingsangels.co.uk
Cleaning checklist
You can use this checklist as a general idea of what we will be looking for on your check out inspection. Please note we only expect the house back in the same condition it was rented to you in, as per the inventory and any cleaning invoices.
- Remove all belongings
- Vacuum all floors
- Mop all non-carpeted floors
- Clean windows
- Clean windowsills
- Clean skirting boards
- Ensure light bulbs are working and replace any that are not
- Remove all rubbish from the property. Any rubbish left at the time of the checkout inspection will be charged at £5 per bag to remove. It is free to take residential waste to a tip to be disposed of.
- Clean any bins that came with the property
- Clean any mould. We recommend “Dettol Antibacterial Anti Mould and Mildew Remover Spray” available from Tesco or Coop for around £3.50
- Clean all surfaces, tiled walls and shower screens
- Clean or replace shower curtain if stained and dirty
- Scrub toilet
- Clean or replace grouting and sealant
- Remove hair from plug holes
- Clean dust from extractor fans
- Clean oven and hob, including racks and oven trays
- Clean all surfaces
- Clean inside of cupboards
- Clean outside of cupboards and appliances
- Remove all food from cupboards, fridge and freezer
- Clean inside the fridge and freezer
- Defrost freezer, turn off and leave the door propped open
- Clean dust and grease from extractor fans
- Clean inside seal of washing machine
- Clean inside washing machine detergent draw
- Remove any food debris from plugholes
- Clean tumble drier filter
- Clean dishwasher filter
- Remove any rubbish and cigarette butts
- Cut grass
- Remove weeds
Please let us know now about any maintenance issues so we can get them rectified. If they are not reported to us in writing, the issues will be rectified and the charge might be deducted from your deposit. Email management@lettingsangels.co.uk with the property address and photos.