Managed Properties- Move In Information
If you are due to be moving into a property which is managed by Sales & Lettings Angels please read the important information below:
We hope that you keeping well whether you are currently in or away from Cardiff.
You are due to take up a tenancy in the next few weeks. Sales and Lettings Angels will act as your landlords appointed agent meaning that we will act as your point of contact throughout the tenancy.
Here are some useful contacts:
Kelly Simms - Manager - Please contact me with any Covid 19 related questions or requests Kelly@LettingsAngels.co.uk
Mair Malnati - Assistant Manager - Please contact Mair for any general enquires - Mair@lettingsangels.co.uk
Fiona Mallows - Maintenance coordinator - Please contact Fiona if any thing is not as you would expect when you first move in - management@Lettingsangels.co.uk
Esme Farrow / Farwa Ali - Referencing coordinators - Please contract Esme and Farwa to check that we have received all of your references and your contract is complete
The following information may help with some questions you have, however if anything is unclear or if you would like to get in touch please email Kelly@lettingsangels.co.uk or call 02922331425 Monday - Friday.
The information below is offered is a video blog:
Start date - This is the date on your contract that is the earliest you can collect your keys. We do tend to get lots of requests at this time of the year to bring this date forward for the storage of items particularly where a tenancy ends a few days before the new tenancy starts.
We are unable to offer this I'm afraid due to the preparation involved in ending and starting tenancies ourselves in such a short time period. Particularly due to Covid 19 - all houses must be emptied and disinfected before any one puts their belongings into the property.
Key collection - This year it will be particularly important to book a key collection due to social distancing measures being imposed. Please email Movein@lettingsangels.co.uk to book your time slot. We will not accept telephone requests for key collections as we need to ensure that your file is complete before confirming your time. If there are any items missing from the file, such as references, your time slot will not be confirmed and you will need to reapply for a slot once the file is complete.
All keys will be treated with disinfectant before release. Only one person will be allowed in the office at a time so please refrain from bringing family members/helpers to the office to collect your keys.
If you are able to distribute keys to those in your group if you are moving in with others that would be greatly appreciated and help us reduce the numbers of people collecting keys and coming into contact with us in the office and also others collecting keys.
There is only one key release slot available every 10 minutes on the 1st July 2020 so please be on time for your slot to help us implement social distancing rules. You do not need to collect your keys on the start date of your tenancy if you do not plan on visiting the property.
Inventory - Once the first person has collected their keys, the inventory will be issued and you will then have 7 days to agree or disagree with the condition of the report. After 7 days the report will become un-editable. We take time stamped photos of all items at the time of the inspection. If you have booked a property with another person(s) it is imperative that you communicate with one another regarding key collection as if you would like to inspect the property for the purpose of the inventory, you will need to attend the property within this time frame.
Condition - Often there is a period of only hours between existing tenants moving out and new tenants moving in. We are heavily reliant on tenants moving out on time and leaving the property in the same condition that they received it. If this does not happen, it becomes out of our control to be able to move you in on time, if for example the outgoing tenant has not moved out on time - or the property has been left particularly messy.
All of our properties will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to tenants moving in, this is particularly important due to Covid-19 and we would like to assure tenants that we are implementing measures to offer houses to you in a safe measure.
Following the check out report often maintenance issues are raised and your property may require some work to be carried out during the first few days/weeks of your tenancy. We will advise you of such works should these be required.
Storing belongings - If you are paying a discounted rent, you will not be able to stay in the property however we can issue the keys for the duration of one working day. You will not be able to store items in the property before the start date of your tenancy.
The following companies offer flexible short term storage solutions in Cardiff:
Payments - please ensure that ALL tenants have paid rent before travelling to collect your keys. Rent takes three working days to clear through our account - this means that the cut off date for payments to clear for a key release on the 1st July is 26th June 2020. If you or any one in your group pays later than this date - no one in your group will be able to collect keys. You can make payments ANYTIME between now and three days before your move in date for your rent.
Payment details:
Lettings Angels
Sort Code 201827
Account number 43535215
Reference: House number, Street initials and your last name (EG 129 WR Simms Would be for 129 Woodville Road Kelly Simms)
Referencing and contract signing - Similarly to the above, please ensure that everyone in your group has submitted all of their references and signed the contract (and if applicable also submitted guarantor paperwork). It is your responsibility to check that you have submitted all paperwork. Keys will not be issued if any one has outstanding paperwork.
If you would like to check that all paperwork is in order please email - application@lettingsangels.co.uk
Delayed moving in date due to Covid-19 - Should your work / studies be affected by Covid-19 and you may no longer require the property please contact us. We have already been in contact with landlords in anticipation of this and in some cases are able to offer discounted rent if NO ONE moves in to the property. We will put all requests forward to landlords for those who may face difficulty in paying rent particularly if they are not living in the property.
Currently the Government has not issued any information that offers financial support to either landlords or tenants so any discounts offered to tenants will be on a one to one basis offered by their landlord.
If you would like to alter your move in date, please contact us, or if you are moving in with others, please ask the head tenant to contact us.
Currently the general feedback is that most landlords are willing to offer a discount if the house is completely vacant. This means that if one person from the group wishes to move in - no discounts will be offered. Some landlords have advised us that they will not be able to offer a discount so please respect your efforts in negotiating for you and should a landlord not be able to offer a discount, the rent as per the contract will still be due.
We currently have a reduced staff number due to the office not being open in line with government guidelines however the phone lines are open but please be aware that we are incredibly busy so there may be a wait or delay in returning your call.
Phone lines are open 9AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday however divert 12PM-1PM each day to allow staff a lunch break.
We are sorry if it takes us longer than expected to come back to you.
For any urgent matters please email Kelly@lettingsangels.co.uk
Take care and enjoy the lovely weather this week.