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Landlord COVID-19 Update 18/03/2020

We wanted to take the opportunity to update you on some of the measures Sales and Lettings Angels are implementing due to the current Covid 19 outbreak.
Given the current Government guidelines we are continuing to operate on a fairly normal level but have in place measures should mass movement of people be further restricted and we are all required to work from home/self isolate/fall ill. 
Accessing computers/software: All staff have been provided with a computer to enable them to work from home and all of our platforms are cloud based. When the company was established in 2014, these measures were implemented to improve security and minimise paper waste. Therefore any files that are required on a normal day to day basis will be accessible whether staff are working from, our main branch or remotely. We do not hold paper copies of any files/certificates/contracts etc.
Telephone number: 02922331425 
This will not change as our phone line uses a VOIP system so even with all staff working remotely you will still be able to reach us and we are able to transfer calls between staff members whether we are working from the office/ home or a mixture of the two.
Mobile numbers:
Kelly Simms -07395832558
Mair Malnati - 07715682352
Esme Farrow - 07557023402
These remain unaffected 
Emails: We use a cloud software for all email accounts so these will be unaffected 
Accounts and payments: Those working in accounts (Debbie and Paula)  permanently work remotely. We have recently upgraded our software to fully automate procedures so you will if anything, notice payments running more accurately on the payment  dates, these being the 3rd working day of the month, 10th of the month and the 20th of the month. If any tenants are facing hardship due to the Covid 19 outbreak - we will notify you of this as soon as we are made aware. 
Maintenance: We are currently carrying out our usual operations with regards to routine and non essential maintenance including obtaining quotations and undertaking works. We have asked any tenants who are in self isolation to advise us immediately and those properties are being quarantined with communal stairwells cleaned and disinfected. Several tenants have also asked us to cancel all proposed non essential works (and viewings). We of course fully respect tenants rights of access and where we have been requested not to access tenants properties, we will not do so unless in the case of an emergency or for safety inspections.
We anticipate over the next few days / weeks all non emergency works / safety inspections will likely cease due to the growing anticipated number of people self isolating including both tenants and contractors. We have a stress test within the office and we will cease these routine works at this point (unless directed to do so at an earlier stage by the government).
Routine inspections: These are due to take place in April. In properties where the tenants have vacated due to the outbreak, to be with family, such as student houses, we will still go ahead with inspections subject to guidelines allowing us this level of movement. In all other properties, routine inspections will be deferred.
Vacant properties: We have asked all tenants to adhere to their rental contract which stipulates that should tenants leave their property vacant for a period of 21 days we must be notified..
Viewings: As with the above provision - we are currently still conducting viewings in properties where the tenants have not restricted access, however again we do anticipate that in the coming days/weeks, viewings are unfortunately likely to cease due to the likely number of tenants/applicants/staff restricting movement/self isolating. 
Our managed portfolio is fully occupied and we have a nominal number of vacant Let Only properties. Our personal thoughts are that once movement restrictions are lifted we will see a larger than average number of applicants booking properties who have been unable to do so due to restrictions. 
Sales: Several landlords currently have properties on the market for sale / sale agreed with us. In the last few days we have had an upsurge in offers received however one sale has fallen victim to the outbreak, due to the chain below pulling out citing uncertainty in the market due to the global crisis. We see little reason for properties that are sale agreed to have completion dates delayed with regards to investment properties, however residential sales are likely to be delayed due to movement restriction regarding the physical movement of furniture / accessibility to such services. 
We are updating tenants weekly at the moment or more frequently as relevant information becomes available to us. If you would like to be included in such communication, or as a Let Only landlord, would like a copy of the information we are rolling out to adapt for your own tenants please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Finally we would like to extend our offer to help any landlords facing difficulties getting to supermarkets, collecting medication or any such help that we may be able to provide to you. Our workforce is made up entirely of those in the low risk category and we all have vehicles. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can provide community support to you or your family. 
We wish you well and will be in such as we receive information that will be informative and useful to you regarding the current Coronavirus Covid 19 outbreak. 

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