Going Ho-Ho-Home for Christmas
Christmas holidays are nearly here and I am sure many of you are heading home for the Christmas break for some home comforts and plenty of mince pies to make that revision a bit more bearable!
Before you leave just make sure you know to....
1. Keep the heating on
You should keep the heating on a moderate level whilst you are away to avoid pipes freezing, and mould growth whilst you are away
2. Secure your house
Make sure the last person to leave ensures all windows and doors are locked. Close blinds and curtains in order to keep things such as tv's out of view which may make your house vulnerable to burglaries
3. Put the bins out
The last thing you want to come back to is a house full of stinking rubbish, so make you put you use your last bin day to get rid of everything
4. Turn appliances off
Make sure to turn lights and appliances off so they don't waste energy on standby when you don't need them
4. Know who to contact in an emergency
Lettings Angels office is closed from 22nd December- 2nd January. If you have an emergency maintenance issue in this time please contact one of the following contractors below. Please make sure you email us with photos of what happened and exactly what happened. If you instruct contractors to do work that doesn't fit this criteria then you may be liable for the cost of the bill.
An example of an emergency would be if you smell gas or your boiler is broken a weekend. If there is an emergency such as a fire or break in, please call the emergency services on 999 or 111.
Agencies will not pay for a locksmith bill if you lock yourself out.
If you can't get hold of them or need to speak to a member of staff then contact Kelly by email or Whatsapp ONLY on kelly@lettingsangels.co.uk | 07557025669
Tonys Locksmith // 07798612837 // Call for out of hours quotes
Aber Locksmith Services // 01495222213 // Call for out of hours quotes
Plumbing and gas emergencies
Gas Emergency line - 0800111999
Paul North // 07977114120 // Call for out of hours quotes
Clear Choice Plumbing // 02922400933 // Call for out of hours quotes
Electrical emergencies
Eleven Electrical // 0292071144 / 07515375378 // Call for out of hours quotes
And finally.....
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!