Emergency Contractor Information
If you are in one of our managed properties and have an emergency maintenance issue out of hours please contact one of the following contractors.
An example of an emergency would be if you smell gas or if you have no heating or hot water during the weekend.
Before contacting an emergency contractor, please make sure you have checked the following information to see if the problem could be rectified by yourself:
Please note, the minimum callout charge for most contractors is £60
If you instruct contractors to do work out of hours, and the work carried out wasn’t an emergency, you may be liable for the cost of the bill. Please note that Lettings Angels will not pay for a locksmith bill if you lock yourself out.
Tonys Locksmith - 07798612837
Simon Curley - 02921999247
Plumbing & Gas Emergencies
Gas Emergency line - 0800111999
Paul North - 07977114120
Anthony Heath Plumbing - 07564166437
Electrical Emergencies
AWB Electrical – 07583956907
Mark Electrical South Wales - 07522633500
If there is an emergency such as a fire or break in, please call the emergency services on 999 or 111
If you have been given specific instructions for your property then please contact the numbers given to you via email. Should you call the wrong contractor you may be liable for the callout charge.