Easy ways landlords can ethically boost profits
Ways landlords can ethically boost profits
Hedge Against Inflation
Landlords are now taking on more debt and leveraging themselves against inflation.
As inflation rises investors will see the value of their loans fall in real terms, especially if they lock in for a long period of time.
Buy when the house price growth cools
Considering waiting to invest. The housing market is predicted to slow down with the cost of living crisis in the second half of this year.
Invest into energy efficiency
Rising energy prices mean renting energy efficient properties has become a high priority for tenants. Tenants are now asking what the running costs of a property will be.
Grow your portfolio
With soaring rental demand, growing a portfolio is a great way to increase your profits while increasing knowledge.
Lift workload
Some landlords take a fully DIY approach and like to do everything for themselves. This may work for some but others may benefit from a good letting agent who will take care of legislation, tenant liaison and dealing with time consuming and costly issues.