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Coronavirus Tenant Update 23/03/2020

We hope you, your housemates and family are all well.

Thank you all again for keeping us informed of your movements, advising us if we should not visit you home and also just for keeping in touch with us. 
We enclose some information below - We appreciate that not all of the information is relevant to you but we are trying to provide all tenants with as much information as possible:
Opening hours 
We are currently open  with only half of the staff working from the office and the other half working from home; following the Government's advice that those who can work from home should do so - we are working a safe distance from each other within the office. 
Due to current staffing levels in the office we have revised our hours from 8AM - 7PM to 8AM - 5PM. This move has been made to ensure that our staff work on the same shifts to promote better mental health in the workplace with all staff whether at home or in the office having company throughout the day. We hope this will not inconvenience you. 
As we scale down on offering house viewings for both lettings and sales properties, we will also be closed on a Saturday. 
We are going to try and keep the office open for as long as possible as still have people due to be moving in and out as well as being here to give out keys to contractors. Should we be forced to close - we will still be operating every day from home and contactable on the office number and usual email address. I can assure you we will do what we are allowed to, in a safe and controlled environment for as long as possible. 
Continued support from Sales and Lettings Angels staff 
Several tenants have taken us up on our offer to provide groceries. 
As there are now no 'click and collect' delivery slots available, please provide us with a shopping list - emailed to along with a payment to the usual bank account:
Lettings Angels Limited 
We will do our best to provide this service for as long as possible and at all times following government advice.  
We can also collect prescriptions for you and are here for a friendly chat if you are feeling a little anxious or lonely. 
Safety Certificates and urgent repairs 
As long as our comprehensive number of contractors are still well enough to work we will be continuing to carry out works
Hot water and heating 
We are currently looking to cover all possibilities in light of current and future situations. A concern we have is that whilst we are confident of getting a contractor to your emergency - should a part be required that the contractor can not source due to plumbing wholesalers being closed - they may not be able to fix your boiler. In this event we will be able to deliver you portable electric heaters for warmth however you may be without hot water. Ordinarily in circumstances where tenants do not have either heating or hot water we offer alternative accommodation, however with hotels closing down and movement being restricted -  we may not be able to offer this. 
Vacating your property 
Please remember to email us to advise if your property is going to be empty for 21 day or more, take extra care when locking up your home and please leave the heating on timer for one hour in the morning and evening to stop the pipes from freezing.
Permanently vacating your property 
If your tenancy is due in the next few months, particularly if you are a student, you may have made the choice to leave your student house with no plans to return to it as many have already done. Please note even if you leave, the rent is still due for the whole period whether you have lectures or not. Should you leave, please leave you room and house key in the lock of your door. Please advise us whether just you or all of your house mates have made this choice. 
In the event that the whole house is leaving for good and no one plans on returning to the house, we may be able to complete the check out inspection and return your deposit to you. 
We however will only be able to do so if the following conditions are met:
1) ALL keys are left in the property - if one person thinks they may want to return we can not close down your house 
2) ALL payments of rent are made until the end of the tenancy - for students it might be useful to use your April loan to finalise your rent payments until the end of your contract. 
3) NO belongings have been left behind
As mentioned the rent for the whole period will be due and the tenancy will still be in place however if we can return your deposit to you early - we will endeavour to do this. 
We have a really useful guide to follow before you move out, please let get in touch to request this should you and your housemates be moving out.
Beyond your tenancy
Several tenants have asked if they can leave items in the property beyond the end of the tenancy as they are leaving now and may not return to Cardiff for several weeks/months after their end of their tenancy. Unfortunately you must have vacated the property by the end of your tenancy - if you are uncertain when you might return we recommend putting your items into storage before leaving Cardiff.
Please remember if you are leaving your home for a prolonged period to empty the fridge and discard perishable foods to deter vermin 
There are likely to be more updates in this fluid situation.
Also just to remind people who have not secured accommodation past their current contract that we can offer FaceTime viewings on properties that are empty. 
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information

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